The Beatles - Let It Be

The other day (20110301) Sinan and I were in the drum room and he played Let It Be on his guitar. I improvised on the drum, since I didn't know how the actual drum part. Inspired, I've set out to learn the song on guitar.

In the key of C we have
C G Am F
C G F (C/E Dm C)
for the verse and
Am G F C
C G F (C/E Dm C)
for the chorus.

I like to remember it in terms of chord numbers:
I V vi IV
I V IV (I ii I)
vi V IV I
and the second part of the verse gets repeated.

At least that's what I've tried and it sounds decent.

One tab had, instead of (C/E, Dm, C),
(E note 4th string, D note 4th string, C)

I played the notes to the solo as tabbed here:

It's fun even though my timing is off, because it just moves along the pentatonic scale. It's getting late, so I'll call it a day. But searching for "Let It Be Solo" in YouTube seems promising. Just watching the first hit seems like it would help future practicing:

I'll have to try practicing the drum tab also:

There's this snippet for which I took the main pattern and played variations of it.

To clarify I was learning how to play this:

I must have done H+S. But closed on H.
Then H+B. Also closed on H.
Then early on I also did H+S and opening H.
I would repeat the above simple combinations.
Then I did the regular B+S+H:
Then I added in opening the H. And I found this was relatively simple, because then the right and left foot are alternating.
I don't know if I'm missing any combinations, but I definitely mixed it up and redid combinations. As time went by certain combinations got easier.
I think I would switch being trying to do that extra snare hit all together and that extra snare hit with just the H or B.
Ah, yes I remember, at one point, I was trying to figure out when the bass should come in. So I definitely did just S+B:
Then it started to click. And then back with the H, I would get used to hitting the bass at the same time as the high hat.
The last step was throwing in the occasional second B:
I didn't follow the tab, I just made it a goal to throw in the second bass and keep everything else going.
At the end of practicing, I definitely got down the pattern without the second bass well. I could go right in and throw in the extra snare continuously or occasionally. The second bass kinda worked, but I started to get pretty tired.
Then I started playing a little bit more. And then finally I was tired but glad that I practiced a little more.


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