
Showing posts from January, 2010

Brett Dennen - Darlin' Do Not Fear

20100116: I decided that I would put a capo at the 8th fret instead of playing a barred C chord. And by rewriting the tab with respect to the 8th fret, you can move the capo to whichever key you want. Tuning:Standard Modified to Capo on 8: ----Intro---- e|---------0------------------------------------| B|----/1-------1---1/3--1-0--0----------0---1---| G|------------------------------2p0h2-----------| D|----------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------| e|--3--3---1--0---------------------3------| B|--------------3--1---0h1p0---------------| G|-------------------------------0---------| D|----------------------------2------------| A|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| e|--1--0-----------------------------| B|--------3--1--0h1p0-----0-...

Matt and Kim - Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare [P]

Played 20100116: Fixed the first riff from the tab below. Alternatively, play at 5: One Riff: e[---------------------5-------] b[-6-----6-----6-6-------6---6-] g[---7-5---7-5-----7-5-----7---] d[-----------------------------] a[-----------------------------] e[-----------------------------] One Riff: e[-1-----1-----1-1-----5-1---1-] b[---3-1---3-1-----3-1-----3---] g[-----------------------------] d[-----------------------------] a[-----------------------------] e[-----------------------------] Another Riff: e[--------------------------] b[-3-1----------------------] g[-----2-0--0-2-0---0-2-----] d[---------3------3-----0---] a[------------------------3-] e[--------------------------] Ahhhh... What a Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare e[--------------------------] b[-3-1----------------------] g[-----2-0--0-2-0---0-2-----] d[---------3------3-----3---] a[--------------------------] e[----------------...

The Calling - Wherever You Will Go [C2]

20100113: C G Am7 F C. 20100114: The intro is more easily done on an acoustic guitar where the neck is narrower which allows for use of thumb on the [1] and [3] on the sixth string during the F chord. Or, one could ignore the [0] on the third string and then barre an F chord and use the middle finger which would normally be on the fourth string and hover over the [3] on the sixth string. 20100115: Got a real capo yesterday, tried it a bid. So now I have three different capos. This one isn't bad, but just barely fits the classical guitar. I'll have to bring it to MD and see how it compares to my other two kinds. The F to C intro is hard, again due to the width of the neck of a classical, but I'm able to play and sing looking at the lyrics. I just have to try and remember the bridge. All the C, C', C'' business is mostly just variation that may or may not be discernible. ...

The Fray - How to Save a Life [C3]

20100110: This song is hard to get the vocals in, because its sort of choppy. I play strumming the chords. The D/F# can be formed and it sort of comes in after you play the D. That is you sort of do more or less your same strum pattern, but then I come up and hit that F# during the middle of the strum pattern. Step [G]one you say we [D/F#]need to talk He [Em]walks you say sit [D]down it’s [D/F#]just a [G]talk He smiles po[D/F#]litely back at [Em]you You stare po[D]litely [D/F#]right on [G]through Some sort of [D/F#]window to your [Em]right As he goes [D]left and [D/F#]you stay [G]right Between the [D/F#]lines of fear and [Em]blame And you begin to [D]wonder [D/F#]why you came [C]Where did I go [D]wrong, I lost a [Em]friend Somewhere a[G]long in the bit[D/F#]terness And I [C] would have stayed [D] up with you all [Em] night Had I known [G]how to save a [D/F#]life Let him know that you know best ...

Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl

20100110: I always forget the chord progression at the end. But I think now I can do it: C D G Em. See the newer Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl post. BROWN EYED GIRL by: Van Morrison Tab by: Aaron Meredith Standard tuning: (E-A-D-G-B-e) Over the years, I have seen this intro played a few different ways. I believe 1 & 2 are played together but all sound good. If there are 2 guitars playing, you can harmonize by playing 2 different ones. Intro: (Arrangement 1) e|7---8--10---8--7----12--13--15--13--12----7---8--10---8--7---5~--2--3-5| B|8--10--12--10--8----13--15--17--15--13----8--10--12--10--8---3~--------| G|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|x2 D|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------...

Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Follow You Into the Dark [C5]

2010010X: Tried to play without a capo, but when running into the G chord, I ran into an obstacle. One or two of the crew just suggested I make one. 20100109: Today, I entertained the idea of making a capo. I took a pencil, grabbed some rubber bands, and folded up a bounty napkin to bad the back. I took up some of the rubber band space by twisting it back and forth. After it was fairly tight, I added in another pencil. I tuned it so it was in tune at the fret. It doesn't beat a real capo due to lack of curvature, but it works decently. And I can try and fine tune it, that's why it has two pencils, but I decided that the tightness from two pencils is enough. 20100109: Really it is 3 o'clock in the morning of 20100110, but anyways... I think this song isn't too bad. Spitting out the chords: Am C F C,G Am C G G Am C E Am,G F Fm C C [ Am;C;F;C,G; Am;C;G;G; Am;C;E;Am,G; F;Fm;C;C; C;C;Am;Am;F;F;C;G; C;C;Am;Am;F;F;C;G; ] x3 Fm;Fm;Fm;Fm; Am;C;F;C,G; Am;C;...

Everclear - Wonderful

Played 20100101: This was an easy enough song, that before looking at the tab, I knew the first chord is G, and that the key was in G, and that the other two chords would be D and C, and was pretty sure on the G D C D progression. But not entirely. Though I knew it didn't sound like Brown-Eyed Girl, so it wasn't a G C G D progression. And the music was lively enough to not contain an Am or Em. The Dsus4 does sound better than the D, but I wonder if it should replace the second D as well. G Dsus4 C Dsus4 instead of the below G Dsus4 C D. ::shrug:: If just playing the guitar part as done in the song, the strumming is Strum, Strum Strum, Strum Strum, Strum Strum... where the two strums are strumming one chord from the previous and then the next, i.e., G, G D, D C, C D, D G, etc. But when playing alone, or with only guitars, it's better to be a little creative to fill in the blanks. I seem to be doing D D D DU UD. But I don't know how that's happening because I'm ...