Jack Johnson - Gone

So I get home, and I just listened to Gone Going (by Black Eyed Peas) and so had the urge to remember Gone by Jack Johnson. Amazing, I guess this is another indicator of improvement, I pin the chorus, "Gone going, everything gone give a damn..." as E B C#m B. But it's really E B C#m A. Anyways, there was definitely some hidden memory involved, but still impressive, whether memory or by sound. Anyways... the song has an easy pattern to memorize. So here is the song after practicing it two or three times yesterday:

Four measures to get the rhythm.
Verse 1:
E C#m; E C#m; E C#m; E C#m;
E G#; C#m A;
Look at all THOSE fancy clothes {"those" not "yours"}
E G#; C#m A;
BUT these could keep us warm just like those {"But these" not "these"}
E G#; C#m A;
And what about your soul is it cold? Is it {"" not "or"}
F#m F#m; B B;
straight from the mold and ready to be sold
Verse 2:
E G#; C#m A;
Cars and phones and diamond rings, bling bling
E G#; C#m A;
These are ONLY removable things. {"only" not "all"}
E G#; C#m A;
AND what about your mind does it shine? Or {"and what" not "what"}{"or" from the next line should be here}
F#m F#m; B B;
are there things that concern you more than your TIME {"time" not "mind"}
Chorus 1:
E B; C#m A;
Gone going, gone everything gone give a
E B; C#m A;
DAMN. Gone be the birds if they don't want to sing. GONE {"damn" from the previous line should be here}{"Gone" from the next line should be here}
E B; C#m A;
people, all awkward with their things. Gone.
E C#m; E C#m;
Verse 3:
E G#; C#m A;
Look at you out to make a deal.
E G#; C#m A;
You try to be appealing but you lose your appeal.
E G#; C#m A;
AND what about those shoes you're in today they'll do no good {"And what" not "what"}
F#m F#m; B B;
On the bridges you burnt along the way. {"" not "all"}
Chorus 2:
E B; C#m A;
gone with your herd {"You willing to sell anything..."}
E B; C#m A;
Leave your footprints, we'll shame them with our words {"Gone" from next line should be here}
E B; C#m A;
Gone people, all careless and consumed, Gone. {"all careless and consumed" not "all awkward and consumed"}
Chorus 1:
E B; C#m A;
Gone going, gone everything gone give a damn.
E B; C#m A;
Gone be the birds if they don't want to sing. {"damn" from the previous line should be here}{"Gone" from the next line should be here}
E B; C#m A;
Gone people, all awkward with their things. Gone.
E (ends the song)

I know how to sing and play this song more completely than I can Better Together. At the moment it's probably tied with Brown Eyed Girl. Hotel California would probably follow in third. Though with Better Together I can do the intro and outro. I recently memorized an intro to Brown Eyed Girl. Oh wait, correction, I know I Will Follow You Into the Dark best.


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